There have been tons of studies on how to keep a good work-life balance, it is very hard to obtain, to be honest, but it is possible.
You have set out goals for yourself, accomplished them gotten this far. You have the best intentions. And at first, you had to make sacrifices in order to achieve your success. Now that you are here you don’t want to take time off because taking time off just means putting off your goals.
The worse part about this situation every young professional goes through is that no one will tell you not to do it. The most you’ll get is the admiration of your peers because you are always working.
Most of all most people actually take pride in their crazy work ethic. It is like saying to yourself that you are better than your peers because you are more committed to your success than they are.
But in reality, it is one of the dumbest things you can do. Isn’t the point of working so hard is to get to a point where you can enjoy taking time off and relaxing? This bad habit can have bad consequences.
Not Healthy
The first let’s cover the obvious, we need a break because it is healthy to unwind. Our brains need time to relax and chill out for a bit. That is the main reason we need to get paid vacation time.
If you do some research on the interweb you will find lots of different answers to the best time to take off. There will be all sorts of opinions but most leaning towards taking more time off, I would tend to agree!
I never thought about it this way but it is true. If all you take are long weekends and or company holidays then you don’t really give you body and mind time to unwind. This is why at least 2 weeks are important, you will also come back feeling refreshed and ready to get back to it.
Two weeks also accounts for uncertainties. There’s nothing worse than planning a one week trip to Hawaii, only to land at the start of a three-day storm. You just lost almost half your vacation to rain.
Two weeks is a great amount of time to take for a vacation, its long enough where you start to miss work and being productive. Also short enough that when you come back to work it won’t be so long that you have a lot of fires to fix.
If you take more than two weeks it can be a very big deal.
Not Inspirational
People who don’t vacation are boring. If you disagree, it’s because you don’t vacation.
If you think about it people that never go on vacation are pretty boring. Why? Because all they can really talk about is work and work-related items since that is all they really do.
You aren’t part of other adventure stories because you were working when those happened. Others will stop telling you about those adventures because you aren’t part of the group since you are a boring person.
Exchanging stories of adventure and your travels are as common as drinking water for humans. It is what we do!
The people who are in your office will never tell you this secret but they actually think that your ability to not have fun is pretty impressive in a bad way. They think you are a square for the most part honestly.
If your employees see this they must think that you are uninspired and that you don’t respect a work-life balance. This isn’t the best situation to be in as a leader because at the end of the day nobody wants to live to work and work to live, whats the point of that?
No Awards
This is going to sound crazy to you but if you don’t ever take time off you will have fewer chances of being promoted because you don’t use your vacation time.
Yes, the company might roll over that vacation time but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter, the company knows you aren’t going to take time off. You also earned it but hey who cares?
Instead of getting praised by your coworkers that you don’t take time off you will actually get the opposite. No pats on the back, no awards, no raised eyebrows, no thank-yous. what you may get is a review placed in your file since you don’t take time off.
You may actually find yourself talking to HR. Since the last thing any organization wants is a lawsuit of making their employers work too hard. They much rather prefer you to leave for two weeks than risk getting involved in a legal battle later on.
So please do yourself a favor and take time off! Nothing bad is going to happen if you leave on vacation
source – http://globalgadgetnews.com/