It is easier said than done!
In todays modern world is it harder and harder to become successful, it is not enough to just have a good high paying job. Everyday each market or industry becomes more saturated increasing competition and therefore increasing the demands of your career as well as increasing the demands on having a well balanced life. Like maintaining a healthy body, good mental and emotional health, and also having a social life.
These quotes exemplify the goals and standards we are trying to acheive and also keep us from going insane. “a healthy mind in a healthy body”, “live every day as if it were the last” and “enjoy every detail.” Here are some very helpful tips that I have used to be able to maximize as well as keep my motivation during rough times.
- Live today without focusing on all the problems in your life at once.
This advice certainly does not mean for you to leave everything you can for tomorrow, but it means that you simply cant or wont get anything done if you focus on everything at the same time. If you focus on everything at the same time you will simply become overwhelmed and not accomplish anything. Take everything one step at a time.
2. For today, just be happy
As the famous president once said, “Almost all people are as happy as they decide to be.” Abe Lincoln. Emotions are all decisions, you can decide to which emotion you want to feel, letting negative emotions run wild will do you no good.
3. Embrace your reality and adapt to it
Many people choose to run from their problems and not face their reality. This in turn will only cause a great burden on you because in the back of your mind you know that you need to fix and improve the problems that have arrised.
4. Strengthen your mind
Strengthening your mind has great benefits as pain is the best teacher and success is the worst teacher. Pain is only temporary and if you choose to see pain as an indicator of a great lesson to be taugh then pain is no longer pain. It is merely a rough time that will lead you to something better. Embracing mental pain is a key indicator of success. So embrace it and keep moving forward.
5. Your soul is the best part of you, excercise it!
Doing a good deed, reading and reflecting the bible, looking inward and accomplishing tasks are all great for your soul. All of these are free and have profound benefits.
6. Today is a good day to be nice.
You might be in a bad mood today, you might have not had the best day today, but taking it out on the rest of your peers will not do you anything harm. It will actually cause the opposite if you have to see them everyday.
7. Control your emotions.
Again don’t let your emotions run while take the time to reflect on how you react to certain situations. It is always best to think before you act. Most of the time acting with emotion isnt the best way to act. Most of the time your emotions will cause you the behave in a way you will regret later.
8. Take 30min for yourself
This means setting aside time for youself, this will give you time to reflect, give you time to be at peace with your self. And this will be the best time to work on the things that are personal to you and need to be worked on. Meditating, reading and just being with your self is a great way to start.
9. Don’t let fear take over.
Don’t be afraid to act, don’t be afraid to stand up for youself, don’t be afraid to do what really matters to you. Most of the time people live their life in fear not going for it or and letting opportunities pass you by. Enjoy today and what the world has to offer. Set goals and accomplish them. Don’t let fear overwhelm you because letting fear take over will paralyze you.
source – http://globalgadgetnews.com/